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Post by Admin Wed Oct 28 2009, 14:23

Hello to all members, ive speant the last 8 hours sorting out the forum, some people may not be happy with the changes as some members may have lost posts including me, ive lost around 200 in total, but this is for a reason, a number of members were complaining that we talk to much banter and go of topic to much, i have been taking this into consideration, hence the changes. From now on there are 4 sections on the forum they are:
Engine only talk section
Forsales/want section
rally section
open talk section

Now a little bit on how the new changes work

All forums in the engine only talk section are what they say, engine talk only, we must stay on topic, this section is now been designed for members who may like the engine side of things more than the ones who enjoy a bit of everything, this section will also be able to be viewed by guests, so they may wish to join. Sadly i had to delete alot of off topic posts on there to clean it up.

The forsales and wanted section has also had alot changed, from now on only the person selling or wanting something may open a topic, if another member has the item or info to help the buyer seller, this must be done via private messege, once the person has the wanted item or sold there item, they must post in there topic to inform us. I have decided to do this, as its easier for the buyer/seller to go back to there topic without having to go through 8 or 9 unrealted posts.

The rally dates/rally talk section is unchanged, talk as normal.

The open talk section, is for all open talk, i would however like to keep the notices section just for important info, as before, ebay and the shed are really to take about everything and anything.

I am so sorry to the people who i have had to delete posts from, but i hope in some way you can understand why, over the last 8 hours over 500 posts have been deleted, i did take time in picking the deleted items, i hope by making these changes we can open the engine hobby to all parties, i am going to let the forum run like this now, i appericate so much the people that have contributed so much to the forum already , but it is time we let others do some work, so lets see how it goes, any problems or complaints, feel free to approuch me, i will always listen cheers


Posts : 4918
Join date : 2009-07-21
Age : 73


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